Zubadan vs. Power Inverter


Zubadan outdoor unit is the most suitable unit considering our conditions in Slovakia. The ORCA units with Mitsubishi Zubadan outdoor unit can provide heating performance at temperatures as low as -28°C. Thanks to its technology of direct jetting the coolant into compressor, the unit can operate without a back-up power even at -15°C. The ORCA pumps with Zubadan are suitable for heating of households with a radiator system. Or with combination of underfloor heating and radiator heating. These units feature an option to produce cold air for cooling the room, so there is no need for other device as air-conditioning units. Zubadan can heat up to 65°C.


Power Inverter

ORCA pumps with Power Inverter outdoor unit are suitable for modern new houses, which have low energy losses. Devices are intended for passive houses. The units can provide 100% performance at 2°C and up to -15°C they loose only 15% of their performance. Despite, the ORCA can handle temperatures as low as -20°C thanks to its built-in electric heating. The device is suitable only for the underfloor heating, or the ceiling heating.